Since childhood, Joshua Fabia has traveled around the world, immersed himself in different cultures, and adapted to various environments. His journey as a healer and guide began at just nine years old when his grandfather suffered from a heart attack and a ruptured brain aneurysm that resulted in the same effects as a stroke. Observing the Western approach to physical therapy and driven by the desire to help, Joshua fell into the role of a physical therapist for his grandfather and worked with him to a remarkable 85% recovery.

Throughout his own physical life, including his years as a successful athlete, Joshua has healed and rehabilitated injuries sustained from the wear and tear of taking his body to the limits and putting it to the test in a world of circumstances. His experience in helping others professionally around the world has lead him to have a deep understanding of defense, protection, human rights, confidence building, meditation, athletic training, physical therapy, acupressure, Western massage, and nutrition. He eventually became a professional coach, consultant in professional sports, and sports manager. He also holds certifications in martial arts, personal training, several military fields, stretch training, breathing and more.

Additionally, Joshua has sought out experiential wisdom from elders and wise leaders from around the world. From them, in the depths of forests, jungles, and deserts, he learned universal, ancient concepts that enable us to reconnect, heal, and take control of our lives.

Through these remarkable experiences, Joshua fully realized his calling to be a guide, leader, and trainer. He used his knowledge of health, fitness, and healing for over 20 years professionally to help thousands of people reach their goals around the world, from professional athletes, special operations, military, and law enforcement officials to individuals simply looking to better themselves.

Fortunately, Joshua documented his journey in teaching and sharing wisdom. He has become one of the best content creators out there. However, his content is unique because he does not create moments, he simply captures them. All content is real and organic. He is responsible for over 50 million views across the internet and over the last 3 years he has become a viral sensation.

Joshua established School of Self-Awareness Worldwide to share what he has learned with an even larger community. He developed SOS after putting the method to the test and successfully helping thousands of people around the world. SOS is life-tested and life-approved. Joshua has brought fitness, defense, health, and universal truths together into a dynamic membership with unique content that can help anyone achieve their goals and enrich their lives.

His modo is that “Our heart and world are in our hands. The question is what are we going to do with it?”.